
Princess Leonor Aboard Elcano: Daily Life & Leisure

Princess Leonor continues to gain experience on the high seas as part of her military training.

The heiress to the Spanish throne is one of 76 midshipmen participating in the 97th training cruise aboard the training ship Juan Sebastian de Elcano.

Her voyage has taken her to Punta Arenas, Chile, where she disembarked on March 19.

As we have reported here on RoyalFamily.News, the young princess shares with her shipmates the demands of day-to-day life on the vessel, learning not only sailing techniques, but also the values of discipline, effort and teamwork.

The Princess’ routine on the high seas

On board the Juan Sebastián de Elcano, the midshipmen must fulfill a series of key responsibilities for the smooth running of the ship.

From hoisting sails and tying lines to participating in navigational maneuvers, each task requires coordination and dedication.

The training ship Elcano arrives at the Prat dock of the Port of Punta Arena, Chile.
The training ship Elcano arrives at the Prat dock of the Port of Punta Arena, Chile. (Agency)

According to the Navy, training on the training ship involves much more than technical learning:

“They must get used to life at sea, facing both good times and difficulties, always in close coexistence and getting to know themselves.”

Along with her classmates, the Princess of Asturias also follows a rigorous academic plan with between five and eight classes a day, including a total of 18 subjects.

In addition, they have access to a series of lectures on leadership and values, where experts from different sectors share their experiences.

The combination of practice and theory is part of the challenge to become officers prepared for any situation.

Photos of Princess Leonor on the Elcano
Leonor participates in the on-call regime, working 24-hour shifts. (Agency)

Time for relaxation and socializing

The day is not only filled with duties. In their free time, the midshipmen can relax in the Midshipmen’s Chamber, a multifunctional space where they also have their meals and take some classes.

During the voyage, they have the possibility to practice sports, read or simply enjoy time with their mates.

In addition, improvements in connectivity have been implemented in recent years, allowing more frequent contact with their families and limited access to information from abroad.

Where is Princess Leonor?
Leonor can enjoy leisure time in the Midshipmen’s Chamber. (CasaReal)

At each stop, the crew has the opportunity to go ashore to learn about new cities and cultures.

However, it’s not all about leisure: midshipmen also have assigned duties, such as acting as guides for visitors touring the ship or keeping watch in restricted areas.

Once these responsibilities are fulfilled, they can enjoy their free time exploring the city, sampling the local cuisine or even attending cultural events.

The option of sleeping in hotels

One of the most curious aspects of this voyage is the possibility for midshipmen to spend the night in hotels during port calls.

Although the training ship is always available for rest, many choose to share rooms in higher category establishments, which allows them to enjoy comforts such as more spacious beds and hot showers with no time limit.

Princess Leonor's Luggage
At each destination, Leonor can choose to sleep on the ship or pay for her stay in a hotel. (Agency)

This decision is personal and is the responsibility of each crewmember, since the cost of accommodation must be covered by them.

If they choose this option, they must inform the commander where they will be staying and report first thing in the morning to confirm their location.

A learning and growing experience

For Princess Eleanor, this trip represents much more than a simple crossing of the Atlantic. Throughout these weeks, she is strengthening her discipline, her autonomy and her ability to work as part of a team.

Princess Leonor in Salvador de Bahía Brasil
The princess has adapted to the environment and shares with her companions on and off the ship. (Agency)

In addition, the coexistence with her companions has generated strong bonds of friendship, forming a kind of “family” at sea.

As a source close to the crew points out:

“being used to the company makes the loneliness feel even further from home.”

As she continues her training, the daughter of the King and Queen of Spain continues to add experiences that will mark her future as a monarch.

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