
I’m 63 but people think I look 30 — here’s how I get my naturally youthful look

A 63-year-old woman who looks 30 says people assume she’s had cosmetic surgery — but she says “vitality” doesn’t come from going “under the knife.”

Eudie Okoro developed healthy habits from a young age — and found people asking her secret to youthful looks.

The DJ and actor, from Wirral, Cheshire, said she has never had cosmetic surgery, Botox or fillers.

People think Eudie, who gets admired by men decades younger, is lying about her age — and can’t believe her look is all down to living a healthy lifestyle.

Eudie Okoro, a 63-year-old UK woman, says people frequently think she is in her 30s. Eudora Okoro-Andrew / SWNS

So many friends and family begged her for her secrets that she wrote a whole book to explain exactly how she did it.

Eudie, a widow, said: “I don’t use photoshop or wear much makeup — if you look after your skin, you don’t need to.

“And I don’t stand still — I’m always active and go for power-walks.

“The food you eat and when you eat it makes a massive difference — everything you do has consequences on your body.

The DJ and actor said she has never had cosmetic surgery, Botox or fillers done. Eudora Okoro-Andrew / SWNS

“I wrote my book to show I haven’t discovered a miracle drug or got Botox.

“Vitality doesn’t come from going under the knife — I just do things that work.”

Eudie said she started looking after herself in her teens, to maintain a youthful appearance, and stuck with it ever since.

And at 63, the effort she has put in shows — as people “spit out their drinks” when she reveals her age.

She even Instagram promoters trying to recruit her to advertise their makeup and jewelry, and gets men decades younger than her admiring because they assume she’s younger — but she does find it flattering.

A photo of Eudie in 1984. Courtesy of Eudora Okoro-Andrew / SWNS

One of Eudie’s top tips — which she has followed for years — is ensuring the first food you eat in the day is NOT sugar.

She said she personally selects to have raw fruits and vegetables — but never carbohydrates.

Eudie said: “We should never break our fast with sugar.

“In recent years, people seem to like avocado on toast — and avocado is great, it’s a superfood, but the toast isn’t.

“So have the avocado first — so that’s the thing to break the fast – then have the toast later.”

Eudie recommends avoiding sugar — especially in the morning. Eudora Okoro-Andrew / SWNS

She added that sugar should always be avoided where possible, although not cut out completely.

She advised that if you eat a lot of sugar, use it as fuel by doing exercise.

She said: “People don’t realize sugar has a huge impact on humans — it can cause disease, health issues and definitely premature aging.”

Eudie said a huge part of maintaining her youthful appearance is doing lots of exercise and staying active by incorporating it into your daily life.

A photo of Eudie in 2003. Courtesy of Eudora Okoro-Andrew / SWNS

For example, she said as well as regular trips to the gym, she’ll walk to the shop for groceries instead of jumping in the car.

She said: “It’s a six mile round trip, but it’s quite easy to include in your day.

“If you get the train or bus to work, you could get off early and walk the rest of the way to burn more calories.

“People don’t realize that lack of exercise is aging in itself, we need to keep our muscles and bones strong.”

Eudie maintains an active lifestyle and walks everyday. Eudora Okoro-Andrew / SWNS

In terms of her skin health, her first tip is to ensure always wearing SPF to protect from harmful sun rays.

She said she drinks lots of water too — because “water is life” when it comes to maintaining skin health as well keeping the body healthy.

She also does face yoga and neck exercises, which are good for wrinkle prevention and reduction.

She makes face masks at home using corn flour, coffee, honey and baking soda — which she says are all natural and inexpensive ingredients to avoid wrinkles.

Eudie also recommends using a natural moisturizer — and said you should steer clear of expensive pots of skin cream.

Eudie applying a face mask. Eudora Okoro-Andrew / SWNS

She said: “I use organic coconut oil as moisturizer, and other natural substances like aloe vera and shea butter.

“Shea butter boosts collagen in the skin, which depletes as we age.

“And when I buy moisturizers, I look at just four ingredients — collagen, peptides, retinol and vitamin c.

“If I didn’t know better myself, I’d be among the people spending $65 on a jar of moisturizer — you’d think a high price tag means it does wonders.

“But good skin doesn’t come from a jar. It starts from the inside.”

Similarly, Eudie has never touched any kind of Botox, filler or cosmetic procedures — although she said she’s often accused of lying about it.

She said: “People say it’s photoshopped, or that I’ve had Botox.

“But I’m proving if you do the right things, you can achieve what you want to achieve without going under the knife and spending buckets in the process.

“I want to spread the message and show people you can achieve youthfulness naturally.”

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