Trump and Volodymyr Zelensky’s White House altercation: Letters to the Editor

The Issue: President Trump and Volodymyr Zelensky’s clash during a publicly aired presser in the Oval Office.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky did himself no favors in his recent White House meeting when he repeatedly refused to consider a cease-fire (“Get the Zel Out,” March 1).
This is how wars, including all our wars except World War II, usually end: First a cease-fire, then negotiations.
And Zelensky would help his cause if he showed more gratitude toward American taxpayers. If it weren’t for them, he and his fellow countrymen would be under Russian control by now.
Kenneth Fitzgerald
The embarrassing display of bullying put on Friday in the White House by President Trump and Vice President JD Vance during the press session with Ukraine’s president made me as ashamed to be an American as I was on Jan. 6 watching the insurrection. It was clearly a planned, Roy Cohn-like beatdown intended to embarrass Zelensky publicly.
For Vance to demand a public apology and insult Zelensky in front of an audience only shows that he is unfit for the position he holds. If Vance doesn’t understand why Zelensky doesn’t trust Putin, who violated every single agreement reached over the last three years, he shouldn’t have even been allowed to sit in.
Lou Maione
Everyone is preoccupied with what happened in the White House and the behavior of Trump and Vance. But no one is discussing the major points raised by Trump and whether they were true.
He told Zelensky he is losing the war, has no cards to play and is risking World War III. Surely these are the important issues to discuss rather than the niceties of people’s behavior in the Oval Office.
Ray Warren
Mandurah, Australia
If there were any doubt as to where Trump stands on the cause of freedom, it was demonstrated in the disgraceful humiliation of Zelensky.
The insults from Trump started immediately upon greeting his guest, with our president mocking Zelensky’s attire, saying sarcastically, “You’re all dressed up today.” Yet Trump was silent when his idol Elon Musk appeared in the Oval Office also dressed down.
Zelensky is fighting for the survival of his people against a Russian war criminal who has slaughtered tens of thousands of Ukrainian children. It is pathetic that Secretary of State Marco Rubio, who used to be a vocal advocate for Ukraine, sat stone-faced through Trump’s vicious assault on his guest.
It’s no wonder the civilized world is frightened.
Oren Spiegler
Peters Township, Pa.
Part of the problem was the misinterpretation of what Zelensky was saying. Trump’s frustration may have stemmed from Zelensky seeming to ignore the fact that Biden was responsible for Putin’s aggression and slow to give Zelensky the arms Ukraine needed.
Zelensky’s wording may have seemed to imply mistrust and disrespect, albeit unintentionally.
Don Whitman
Cross River
The public debacle, with Vance conveniently on hand to back up the president, was a disgraceful exhibition.
I have fought tooth and nail for these two men and broke the bank supporting them, only to be disillusioned when this push came to shove. I will stop entertaining illusions of their grandeur and start being wary of betrayals, such as the one with Zelensky.
Theresa Ward
Edison, NJ
Zelensky came to Washington in good faith. He just wanted to know that America was still firmly on Ukraine’s side.
The far-right media may get a temporary boost from the “great television” at the Oval Office, but Zelensky has also re-rallied Europe and the majority of Americans who want to see true peace and stability in Europe.
Daniel Kuncio
If someone came into my house and berated me on topics that were not to be discussed at the time, I too would throw that person out the door.
Trump was right to cancel the minerals-agreement signing and show him the exit. Let’s hope that Zelensky comes to his senses and apologizes so the agreement can be signed.
Richard Ketay
Newark, NJ