Skipping breakfast linked to cognitive decline « Euro Weekly News

A nutritious breakfast could do more than start your day—it might also protect your brain health, according to new research.
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Want a Healthy brain? Start your day the right way!
We’ve all heard it a million times: breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But is it really true? A new research suggests that skipping your morning meal could have some serious consequences for your brain health as you get older.
Skipping Breakfast linked to cognitive decline, study reveals
A fascinating new study published in the Journal of Neurorestoratology has found a link between regularly skipping breakfast and an increased risk of cognitive decline and neurodegeneration (that’s the loss of brain and nervous system function) in older adults. Researchers looked at data from over 850 older people, some of whom were regular breakfast skippers. They gave everyone cognitive tests every 18 months and also checked for signs of neurodegeneration. Some participants even had MRI scans to check their brain volume. The results were pretty clear: those who skipped breakfast tended to have lower scores on the cognitive tests and were more likely to show signs of decline and neurodegeneration over the course of the study.
Why does skipping breakfast affect your rbain? Experts explain
While the study found a clear link, it didn’t exactly explain why skipping breakfast is bad for your brain. But doctors have some pretty good ideas. As Dr. Scott Kaiser, a geriatrician, explains, “There’s a lot of interesting evidence around the importance of breakfast. It makes sense that there could be a link to our brain health.” One key factor is that your brain needs fuel to function properly. As Dr. Raymond Romano, a clinical researcher, puts it, “The brain needs fuel to function properly. Skipping breakfast disrupts energy consumption in the brain.” Your brain’s preferred fuel is glucose (blood sugar), and when you skip breakfast, you’re not giving your brain the glucose it needs, which can lead to brain fog and trouble concentrating. Dr. Amit Sachdev, a neurologist, agrees, stating, “The brain requires blood sugar. It doesn’t have any other significant source of energy.”
What should you eat for a healthy brain? The experts recommend…
So, what should you be eating to keep your brain in top shape? Experts recommend focusing on a healthy lifestyle overall, including regular exercise and a balanced diet. The Alzheimer’s Association suggests two diets in particular: the DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) and the Mediterranean diet. Both diets emphasise plenty of fruit and veg, whole grains, fish, and healthy fats like nuts and olive oil, while limiting red meat, sugary drinks, and processed foods. If you’re not sure where to start, Dr. Romano suggests making a few simple changes, such as eating more fruit and veg, cutting back on red meat, and including healthy fats in your diet.
While more research is needed to fully understand the link between skipping breakfast and cognitive decline, this study provides compelling evidence that starting your day with a healthy meal is important for your brain health. So, next time you’re tempted to skip breakfast, think twice. It could be doing more harm than you realise. Even a quick bite of fruit and yogurt or a slice of wholemeal toast is better than nothing. It’s all about giving your brain the fuel it needs to stay sharp for years to come.